Contact Compassion

We want to make sure you are served well! Please click the appropriate area below to contact us online.

World headquarters

You can also contact Compassion by regular mail or simply give us a call at our headquarters using the information below. Our home is in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and we’d love to have you visit us in person and take a tour of our headquarters.

컴패션 한인 후원자 서비스 센터
(844) 247-3063, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MT.

한국어 이메일: [email protected]


Mailing address
Compassion International
Colorado Springs, CO 80997

Street address
12290 Voyager Parkway
Colorado Springs, CO 80921


Visit the Support Network

Ask questions, view questions/answers submitted by others, and join the discussions on our Community-Powered Support Network at

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